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mkw-ana: Wiimms MKWii Network Analyzer

Analyze network dumps (created by tcpdump) and print summaries.


1.   Syntax

mkw-ana [option]... command [option|parameter|@file]...

2.   Commands

VERSION Print program name and version and exit.
HELP H Print help for commands and options.
ARGTEST This debug command accepts all kinds of parameters and prints one line for each parameter or option.
TEST Test options: All options are allowed, some are printed.
UPDATE Update the global game-id and secret files by reading Wiimmfi.
COLORS Ignore all parameters and print colored text for testing.
KEYS Ignore all parameters and enter keyboard test mode to test the TERMCAP based key-press detection.
POINTS PTS Print a table with the points assigned to player after a versus or room race.
TABLES TAB For each table name (see option --table), print the table definition that reflects the current settings. The special name LIST prints a list with all columns names. Without any name, the settings of all known tables and LIST are printed. The output can be read by option --tfile.
ERROR ERR Translate exit codes to message names. If no exit code is entered, print a table with all error messages.
LIST List the keywords of a class. Allowed classes are: STAGES, RECORDS, ITEMS and ALL.
FRIENDCODES FC Calculate friend codes and profile ids. For each scanned parameter a line with a decimal friend code (FC), a hexadecimal friend code, a decimal profile ID (PID), game ID and game name is printed.

Various formats are accepted as input. For a PID the FC of the current game (see option --gid) is calculated. For a FC, a list with all matching games is printed.

PROFILEIDS PID Extract the profile id of each parameter and print the profile id as single line. Various formats are accepted as input. The exit status is WARNING for any syntax error.
IP Print a line for each parameter with the scanned IPv4 address as raw decimal number, raw hexadecimal number and in dot notation (A and B and C-class).
QUERY Send a SQL query to a gamespy server. All parameters are concatenated to one SQL WHERE clause, but parameters beginning with '@' have special meanings. '@-' enables a verbose test mode and disables the connection to the server.

In the post processing of the completed where-clause, multiple blanks are elimated and friend codes in format '@FC' are replaced by the related profile id.

DUMP0 D0 Print a raw dump of all packets. This dump can be used for all network dumps, not only for MKWii.
DUMP1 D1 Packet based hex dumper.
DUMP2 D2 First record based hex dumper.
DUMP3 D3 New and improved variant of DUMP2 (record based).
DUMP D Use the best/latest dumping mode (depends on options). At the moment DUMP is an alias for DUMP3.
FLOWRATES F Print flowrates of the data traffic. This command can be used for all network dumps, not only for MKWii.
DNS Print DNS and optional ARP packets in human readable format. This command can be used for all network dumps, not only for MKWii.
SILENT SIL Iterate and analyse the source files, but print nothing.
ANALYZE ANA Analyze the dump files for special information and print it a machine readable list, one line per record. Parameter MODELIST is a comma separated list of keywords. Each keyword enables one kind of analysis:

* PARAM-NAMES: Print names of STRING-PARAM records, one line for each LIST.

* NICKS: Collect data about user and their nicks and friend lists.

* QUERY: Collect data about SQL queries.

* NATNEG: Collect data about NATNEG records.

* ALL: All of above.

SERVERS SER Print statistics about all servers.
CLIENTS CLI Print statistics about all clients.
USERS U Print statistics about all users.
WIIMMFI WIM Print the final content of the WIIMMFI database.
RECORDS R Print all record names.
COUNT CNT Count the record types.
STAGES S Print all stages.
LOG L Print all stages including tables.
TRACKS Print all track selections.
TOTALS T Print all totals as text dump.
RACE Live race table of all players. The screen is updated every 0.5 seconds.
BACKEND The frontend works like an interactive backend connection. Closing the interactive frontend is like pressing CTRl-C.

3.   Options in alphabetic order

Option Param Description
--account name The case insensitive account for the query. The default account is the game name specified by option --game, if that game is known or a key is set. Otherwise 'gslive' is used as fall back. The internal database contains 3013 users with their associated keys.

The old option name --user is also accepted.

--adjust time Adjust time stamps of the network dump by adding 'time' seconds. This may help to synchronize different dumps. The argument is scanned for SI factors, time units, plus and minus terms.
-A --allow-all Usually commands accept only options with impact to the command. All other options fire a syntax error. But if --allow-all is set, all commands accept all options.

This makes changing the command of a long command line without removing useless options easier. It also helps to override wrong option permissions.

--ana file Open a log file and dump text lines for further analysis. The first word of each line classified the output type. If first character of 'file' is a '+', append data to an already existent file. If the filename is only '-', then dump to stdout.
--ana-mode list Print only the specified events to the analysis file. --amd is a short cut. A comma separated list of keywords is expected: CHEATS=IT-CHEATS, XCHEATS=CHEATS,IT-XCHEATS, ITEM, EV-DLEN, EV-ALL-DLEN, EV-NAME. Also available: CLEAR, DEFAULT and ALL. If flag SINGLE is set, repeat count support is disabled. If flag FLUSH is set, the output is flushed for each line.
--and If one or more filters are enabled by --receive, --send, --receive-mac, --send-mac, --receive-ip or --send-ip, then a packet or record is only dumped, if it match to at least one of the enabled filters.

But if --and is set, a packet must match *all* enabled filters.

-a --ascii Append an ASCII character dump behind the hexdump. This option is ignored if using --one-line or --sep-lines.
--assume list A list of keywords is expected to makes some assumptions:

RACE, BALLON, COIN, SLOT: Interprete racing and battle records always in the called method. If SLOT is set too, also use the assumed record type for slot analysis.

--auto-ban list This is another interface to enable automativ bans. A comma separated list of keyowrds is expected. Keywords GLITCH, EMOVE=EARLYMOVE, EITEM=EARLYITEM, ICHEAT=ITEMCHEAT and TCHEAT=TIMECHEAT enable 5 kinds of autobans with default values, vut only if the related option is not used. Keyword ALL is a short cut for all of above.

Additonally you can add one of the fo9llowing keyword: DISABLE disables sending the ban messages to Wiimmfi. TEST sends the ban messages to Wiimmfi in a test mode without impact. KICK converts all bans to simple kicks. BAN (default) enables the auto-ban system.

Only Wiimmfi moderators are able to ban!

--auto-bmg file Read a BMG file after opening a dump file. The purpose is to read a text BMG with conditionals and to load another BMG based on the file name of the dump file.

Relative filenames are first searched relative to the current directory and then relative to the dump file directory. If both are found, both are read.

--auto-term time This option is only relevant, if --distribute or --cmd is active: Terminate mkw-ana if no client is connected for TIME seconds. If the first character is a plus sign, then ignore this option until the first connection. Value 0 disables this option.
--bash Force output in bash syntax.
--bmg file Read a BMG file to scan online chat messages, versus points and names for tracks, drivers and vehicles. It also disables the auto load of BMG files. Multiple usage is possible.
-b --brief If set once, the header (timestamp and client info) of single line dumps becomes smaller. If set twice, timestamp and client info are not printed. All previous --long are canceled.
--checksum Normally, UDP packets with wrong checksums are dropped. If --checksum is set, the checksums are calculated, but no packet is dropped. Some dumps will print a status info. If set twice, checksums are never calculated and assumed to be correct. --csum is a short cut.
--cmd address Create a socket in listen modus for backend clients. Up to 3 coexistent sockets are supported. The number of clients is not limited.

If ADDRESS begins with '/', './', '../' or 'unix:', then a UNIX file socket is created.

Otherwise a TCP/IP connection is established. Use 'HOST[:PORT]' as address. HOST and PORT can be names. The default port is 12100. If host is '' (or shorter '0'), then all available IP interfaces are enabled. If host is '' (or in A-net notation '127.1'), then only the localhost interface is enabled.

Use 'telnet' or 'putty' for interactive connections or tools like 'nc', 'ncat', 'netcat' or 'socat' for non-interactive connections.

--cmode mode Define a checksum mode for friend code calculations and disable automatic selection. Possible keywords are NDS, WII and AUTO. The special keyword ALL enables an iteration of all modes.
--color [=modus] Define the modus for colored text output. Allowed keywords are: OFF or NO-COLORS to disable colors, AUTO (default) for automatic detection, ON for automatic detection but never OFF, 8-COLORS or 256-COLORS to force 8 and 256 color support. Without parameter, ON is used.

AUTO will enable colorized output only for terminals. AUTO and ON use environment variable TERM to find the correct color modus.

If a command is prefixed by 'C-', then --color=ON is used implicitly as default.

--256-colors Short cut for --color=256-colors: Force colorized text with 256 color support.
--combine Logical combine network dumps to one single dump before executing options --skip and --term.
--config file Read a configuration file. Use this option multiple times to load more than 1 file and to override previous settings.

At program start one of /usr/local/share/mkw-ana/config.txt or /usr/share/mkw-ana/config.txt is loaded. In a second step, share/mkw-ana.config.txt or mkw-ana.config.txt relative to the program path is loaded. In a third step, ~/.mkw-ana/config.txt is loaded. To suppress this auto loading, use option --config=0 very first.

--ct-code [=mode] Define the CT-CODE support modus. Allowed keywords are DISABLE, OFF, ON and FORCE. Without parameter, CT-CODE support is ON. OFF (initial setup) and ON allow auto detection while DISABLE and FORCE will disable it.
--de Use german names. The default is to use english names. For full impact use this option before the first --bmg.
-d --delta If set, record data is compared with the data of the previous record of same type and client. If a nibble (4 bits) is unchanged, a '-' is printed intead of a hex digit.
--dflush The dump commands flush the output after each packet dump.
--disable-job Disable job connections at all.Backend command SERVER enables jobs again.--dis-job is a short cut.
--disable-wiimmfi Disable the analysis of \wiimmfi\ messages.--dis-wiimmfi is a short cut.
--distribute address Create a socket in listen modus to distribute incoming dump packets directly to other processes. Up to 3 coexistent sockets are supported. The number of clients is not limited.

If ADDRESS begins with '/', './', '../' or 'unix:', then a UNIX file socket is created.

Otherwise a TCP/IP connection is established. Use 'HOST[:PORT]' as address. HOST and PORT can be names. The default port is 12100. If host is '' (or shorter '0'), then all available IP interfaces are enabled. If host is '' (or in A-net notation '127.1'), then only the localhost interface is enabled.

--drift Print drift statistics during logging.
--exec After setup, execute each command by a virtual backend connection in non-interactive modus. This is done also, if no backend (--cmd) is defined. If the first character is a plus sign, then enable logging for this command. If it is a minus sign, disable logging. Otherwise enable logging, if verbose level is >1. Multiple commands are possible.
--flush Short cut for »--wflush --dflush«.
-f --follow Don't close the last input dump on reaching end of file. Instead wait for appended data. This works like the unix tool 'tail -f'.
--fphp Force output in php syntax.
--game name The case insensitive game name. The default is 'mariokartwii'.

A special mode is entered, if 2 or more games separated by commas or spaces are defined. In this case, options »--select, --limit« and --group-by are inored and a user count for each game is printed.

--gexport file Write the internal list with game id4 and names to an external file after all --gimport options are processed. The new file contains also a comment section about the syntax and semantic. If --brief is set, this comment is suppresses. If --brief is set twice, the output is printed in C as support for the internal game list.
--gid game_id Define the game ID for friend code calculations. Up to 4 characters of the parameter replace the default value RMCJ (Mario Kart Wii).
--gimport file Read game ID4 and names from the file and mix it with already defined games. A definiton will first removes all games with the same ID3. Then the new ID4 definitons are added.

Use this option multiple times to load more than 1 file. If the filename is '0', the internal list is cleared and auto loading (see below) is disabled. For syntax and semantic see option --gexport.

At program start one of /usr/local/share/mkw-ana/games.txt or /usr/share/mkw-ana/gameid.txt is loaded. In a second step, share/mkw-ana.gameid,txt or mkw-ana.gameid.txt relative to the program path is loaded. In a third step, ~/.mkw-ana/games.txt is loaded.

--glitch ban[,info] Define 2 levels, the first for automatic bans because of glitching and the optional second to print log infos about glitching (--logmode GLITCH must be set). Bans are always logged. This option has priority over configuration file settings.

This option has priority over option --auto-ban. The backend command GLITCHES list all supported glitches and their levels and allows modify the values. Only Wiimmfi moderators are able to ban!

--group-by list Ignore options --select and --limit and print counters for all different values of the named fields. --gby is a shortcut.
--height height Define the terminal height (number of rows) and disable the automatic detection.
-h --help Print help and exit. If the first non option is a valid command name, then a help for the given command is printed.
-x --hex Some records are printed as hex and string combination by default. If --hex is set, then print these records as hex dumps.
--hide-mac Hide the MAC addresses of packets in all dumps. This is the default, if no MAC packet filter is enabled.
--history file Load and save the command history from and to this file.
--hms Enable relative time stamps Like --rel, but print them in HH:MM:SS instead in seconds only.
--hms-info Short cut for »--rel-info --hms«.
--home addr Define an address (IP or DNS name) as home client.

Without this options, the tool tries to determine the home client by analysing sender and receiver of the first non filtered packet. A local network (10/8, 172.16/12, 192.168/16, 169.254/16) has priority over a non local network. If sender and receiver have the same priority, the IP of the sender is used.

-i --ignore Ignore non existend and empty source files and print only a warning. If set twice, suppress the warning too.
--ignore-hup Ignore signal HUP.
--ignore-int Ignore signal INT.
-I --index ranges Dump only bytes with an index selected by the range list. This makes the hex dump smaller especially for one-line dumps.

The parameter is a comma separated list of INDEX, INDEX1:, INDEX1:INDEX2 and INDEX#LENGTH elements.

--ip addr[:port] Define an address (IP or DNS name) and optional a port for filtering. Only packets from or to this host are accepted, all others are ignored.
--item-cheat level Define a level for automatic bans because of using item cheats. If mkw-ana detects more than LEVEL item cheats in 1 race, then an automatic ban is done.

--icheat is a short cut. This option has priority over option --auto-ban. The value can be changed at the backend. Only Wiimmfi moderators are able to ban!

--le-code [=mode] Define the LE-CODE support modus. Allowed keywords are DISABLE, OFF, ON and FORCE. Without parameter, LE-CODE support is ON. OFF (initial setup) and ON allow auto detection while DISABLE and FORCE will disable it. Usually, auto-detection works very well, so this option does not need to be set.
-L --length ranges Dump only UDP packets with specified UDP data length. The 8 bytes long UDP header does not count.

The parameter is a comma separated list of INDEX, INDEX1:, INDEX1:INDEX2 and INDEX#LENGTH elements.

--limit num Define a response limit for the SQL query. Values between -2 and 255 are allowed. 0 (the default) means unlimited. The special value -1 forces counting instead of printing each record and the special value -2 sends only an IP detection record.

The parameter '@num' is an alternative way to enter the limit.

--list Print a list of events instead of a summary.
--log file Log into the file using the same output as command LOG. If first character of 'file' is a '+', append data to an already existent file. If the filename is only '-', then log to stdout.
--log-mode list Define, which elements are included into the log output (see --log). --lmd is a short cut. A comma separated list of keywords is expected: STATUS, STAGE, SELECT, STARTER, FINISH, GRANDPRIX, GTOTAL, TOTAL, LTOTAL, USLOT, RSLOT, GLITCHES, TRIGGER CHEATS, SLOTS, RTYPES, HOST, TEAM, TRACK, USER, TABLES, DISCONNECT, QUERY, REGION, MKWFUN, JOBS, GWIIMMFI, IDSELECT, LECODE, R-MASTER, R-NATNEG, R-STATUS, RECORD=R-*, TCP=QUERY+REGION, DEFAULT, NONE and ALL. VERBOSE is a flag to increase the output level. If the very first character is either '+' or '-', then the current settings are modified and not reset.
--log-pos file Create a special log file and write racing records with timer, position, speed and direction of all player for further analysis.
-l --long This option is relevant for single line dumps. Usually the time format is printed as 'MM:SS.s' to keep the lines small. If set once, 'HH:MM:SS.s' is used. If set twice, 'HH:MM:SS.sss' is used. All previous --brief are canceled.
--md file Create a MakeDoc script with results after each race.
--mdx file Create a MakeDoc script with results after each race. Same as --md, but replace %E, %R, %N and %T in the filename by 'event id', 'race id', 'total race' and 'event type' to create different files.
--mii dir Extract Miis to the already existing directory 'dir'. Existing Mii files will be overwritten.
--min-race num This is a statistic option: If a Grand Prix (single or team) is aborted, the results of the Grand Prix are only used in the statistics, if NUM races has been completed. The default is 2 and possible values are 0..4.
-n --native If set, some known values are printed in native format instead as simple hex number. If set twice, some other values, that will destroy the column layout of the hexdump, will printed in native format too.
--new Use new implementation if available. All previous --old are canceled.
--nintendo Set the server to It also disables the '+' default for option --select.
--no-color Short cut for --color=off: Deactivate colorized text. This is the default, if an output file is not a terminal.
-p --no-proxy Don't dump proxy packets (packets, which contains a PROXY record).
--old Use old implementation if available. All previous --new are canceled.
-1 --one-line Print the hexdumps as one line for each record. This makes the dumps horizontal very large, but it is good for comparing objects of the same type. Very helpful is to pipe the output to 'less -S', which supports horizontal scrolling.

If set twice, some record types are additinally added a combined record (overlay).

-o --only-servers Dump only network packets from and to known servers.
--origin x,y,z Define an alternative origin for positions.
--php file Create a php script with results after each race.
--phpx file Create a php script with results after each race. Same as --php, but replace %E, %R, %N and %T in the filename by 'event id', 'race id', 'total race' and 'event type' to create different files.
--points list Create a new table with points. These points are assigned to players after a versus or room race. A later --bmg containing a 3FF0 message may override this new table.

The parameter is a blank or comma and slash (next row) separated list with numbers (points) between 0 and 255 and the following keywords: NINTENDO, LINEAR, WIN, WIN15, WIN25 to select a predefined table; NO-BONUS, BONUS, NULL, ONE as options; N1..N12 to select the row for N players.

--port num Define a default port. It is only used, if no port is defined by the --server option. The default port is 28910.
-P --print list Define the columns for table RACE. A comma separated list of keywords is expected: SLOT, RANK, XTIME=TIME+DELAY+LAST, POS=XPOS+YPOS+ZPOS, DIR, SPEED=3SPEED+HSPEED, STATUS, DRIFT=DCOUNT+DCHEAT, XDRIFT=DRIFT+DMINTIME, ITEM=ICHEAT+ICOUNT+ISUMMARY, CHEAT=DCHEAT+ICHEAT DRIVER, VEHICLE, COMBI, TEAM, PID, FC, WHO=MINIFC+NAME. Also available: NONE, MIN, DEFAULT, MAX, ALL. If the very first character is either '+' or '-', then the current settings are modified and not reset.

The new option --table overrides this option, but allows to integrate the columns defined by --print.

-q --quiet Be quiet and print only error messages. All previous --verbose are canceled. Multiple usage is possible. The impact is command dependent.
-r --receive Dump only network packets received by the home client (option --home). For combinations with other packet filters see option --and.
--receive-ip addr Dump only network packets received by the entered address (IP or DNS name). --rip is a short cut for --receive-ip. For combinations with other packet filters see option --and.
--receive-mac addr Dump only network packets received by the entered MAC address. --rmac is a short cut for --receive-mac. For combinations with other packet filters see option --and.
--refresh duration Defines the table refresh time (SI units allowed; default is second) for command RACE (default 0.5s).
--rel Print timestamps as seconds relative to the beginning. Dependent of option --long the formats are: 'SSSSS', 'SSSSS.s' or 'SSSSS.sss'
--rel-info Like --rel, but reset the origin whenever a reference time is defined in the info file.
--real-time-factor factor If set (>0.0), the time differences of the packet time is compared with the real time difference. If a packet will be served to early, the tool sleeps a while.

Value 1.0 forces a real time dump. Values >1.0 force a time-laps effect and values <1.0 a slow-motion effect. --rtf is a short cut.

The intention of this option is to simulate a regular input stream on already dumped and stored data in real time. Use this option never for live incoming data, because packets may be lost.

--real-time-wait seconds If set (>0.0) and the real time option --real-time-factor is enabled, it defines the maximum real time between 2 packets. The default is 3 seconds. --rtw is a short cut.
--secret secret The secret with usually 6 characters is used for decoding answers of server MS. Only the 3 lower bits of each character are relevant for the secret (e.g. characters '19AIQYai' and more are identical). If not set, a lookup into an internal database is done. If the lookup fails, 123456 (almost invalid) is used.

The old option name --key is also accepted.

--select list Define a list of keywords for the SELECT part of the SQL query. Commas, slashes and backslashes are accepted as separator. A single plus sign ('+') means: Reply all columns known by the server. This feature is only supported by the Wiimmfi servers.

If one the options --wiimmfi or --twiimmfi is set, the plus sign '+' is the default. Otherwise the default is a list with all known and supported names (internal database).

-s --send Dump only network packets send by the home client (option --home). For combinations with other packet filters see option --and.
--send-ip addr Dump only network packets send by the entered address (IP or DNS name). --sip is a short cut for --send-ip. For combinations with other packet filters see option --and.
--send-mac addr Dump only network packets send by the entered MAC address. --smac is a short cut for --send-mac. For combinations with other packet filters see option --and.
-2 --sep-lines Dump one line per record (like option --one-line) and an empty line between packets.
--server addr[:port] Define an address (IP or DNS name) and optional a port of the server, where the query is send to. It also disables the '+' default for option --select. The default server is
--sexport file Write the internal secret list with game name, secret and description to an external file after all --simport options are processed. The new file contains also a comment section about the syntax and semantic.

If --brief is set, this comment is suppresses. If --brief is set twice, the output is printed in C as support for the internal secret list. If --long is set, select strings are also exported. If --long is set twice, an extra empty line is added behind each select rxport.

--show-mac Show the MAC addresses of packets in some dumps. This is enabled by default, if at least one MAC packet filter (--receive-mac or --send-mac) is enabled.
--simport file Read a text file and scan it for internal game names and secrets. Override existing entries with the same game name.

Use this option multiple times to load more than 1 file. If the filename is '0', the internal list is cleared and auto loading (see below) is disabled. For syntax and semantic see option --sexport.

At program start one of /usr/local/share/mkw-ana/secret.txt or /usr/share/mkw-ana/secret.txt is loaded. In a second step, share/mkw-ana.secret,txt or mkw-ana.secret.txt relative to the program path is loaded. In a third step, ~/.mkw-ana/secret.txt is loaded.

--skip time Skip first 'time' seconds of each read network dump. The argument is scanned for SI factors, time units, plus and minus terms. Negative values are relative to the end (or ignored for pipes).
--sleep duration Sleep 'duration' (SI units allowed; default is second) after a race has finished. This option slows down a simulation run direct after logging and printing the race statistics. Values of the range from 3 to 15 seconds seems to be good.
-S --stage list Dump UDP packets only, if one of the entered stages is active.

The parameter is a comma separated list of stage names, optional preceeded by '+' (enable) or '.' (disable). Type »mkw-ana test« for a list of stages or use the dumps to identify stage names.

--tables name=list [;name=list]... If printing table NAME, then print only the specified columns in the entered order. The table name is one of RACE, TEAM, BALLOON, COIN, STARTER, FINISH, GRANDPRIX or TOTALS. Also the tables 0 to 9 are availabe for temporary purposes (kind of macros). If table RACE is set, then option --print is ignored (but see below). If TEAM, BALLOON or COIN is not set, then the definition of the successor is used.

For the column definition a comma or blank separated list of keywords is expected. Type 'mkw-ana tables list' for a list of all columns and all multi column aliases. If a table doesn't support a column, it is simply ignored.

Each keyword can be prefixed by '-' to remove this column, or by '+' to add the column only, if not already included, or by '=' to remove this column and then add it again. To replace an element use %SEARCH=REPLACE. The comma before plus, minus, equal or percent can be omitted.

Instead of a column name, a point followed by a table name can be used ('.race' for example). Then all colums of the table are inserted or removed. The name .PRINT inserts or removes the columns defined by option --print and the name .DEFAULT the default settings for the table. The name .ALL inserts all possible columns. Self referencing and hence definitions in steps are possible.

Option »--table} can be used multiple times. Theimpact is the same as separting the parameters by a semicolon. Command {TABLES --brief« helps to develop good lists and the special column name DEBUG prints a column list after the table assignment.

--tcp Ignore the TCP setting of the configuration file and try to connect the JOB server using TCP/IP first (new and experimental). Fall back to UDP/IP, if TCP/IP fails.
--team file Read a text file for team assignments and disable auto load of team files. Multiple usage is possible.
--term time Terminate each dump at 'time' seconds. The argument is scanned for SI factors, time units, plus and minus terms. Negative values are relative to the end (or ignored for pipes).
--tfile file Read the arguments for option --table from a file: The hash sign ('#') starts a comment until end of line. Empty lines are ignored. A table definition can be spread over multiple lines and ends always with a semicolon or end of file. The output of command TABLES is compatible with this option.
--time-cheat time Define a time in seconds (float), SI units possible. If a time cheat is deteced that gives the user a bonus of at least TIME seconds, then an automatic ban is done.

--tcheat is a short cut. This option has priority over option --auto-ban. The value can be changed at the backend. Only Wiimmfi moderators are able to ban!

--transfer-ip addr Dump only network packets received or send by the entered address. --tip is a short cut for --transfer-ip and both are short cuts for »--rip addr --sip addr«.
--transfer-mac addr Dump only network packets receiced or send by the entered MAC address. --tmac is a short cut for --transfer-mac and both are short cuts for »--rmac addr --smac addr«.
--twiimmfi Set the server to and enables the '+' default for option --select.
-t --type list Dump UDP packets only, if at least one record of the packet match the entered record list.

The parameter is a comma separated list of record names, optional preceeded by '+' (enable) or '.' (disable). Type »mkw-ana test« for a list of records or use the dumps to identify record names.

-T --TYPE list Same as --type except for command DUMP3.
--udp Ignore the TCP setting of the configuration file and try to connect the JOB server using UDP/IP (default until now).
-v --verbose Be verbose and print more progress information. All previous --quiet are canceled. Multiple usage is possible. The impact is command dependent.
-V --version Stop parsing the command line, print a version info and exit.
--wait If option --cmd created at least one socket, then wait for connections instead of terminating the tool.
--warn-mode list Define, which warnings are enabled. --warn is a short cut. A comma separated list of keywords is expected: LENGTH, XLENGTH, STATUS, EVENT, DEFAULT, NONE and ALL. VERBOSE is a flag to increase the output level. If the very first character is either '+' or '-', then the current settings are modified and not reset.
--wflush Flush the output after each packet written by --write.
-w --wide [=width] Usually hexdumps covers 16 bytes per line. If --wide is set, 32 bytes per line are covered. Optional it is possible to enter a value. This option is ignored if using --one-line or --sep-lines.
--width width Define the terminal width (number of columns) for help and some other messages and disable the automatic detection.
--wii addr[:port] Define an address (IP or DNS name) and optional a port as home client and for filtering. This options is a shortcut for »--home addr --ip addr:port«.
--wiimmfi Set the server to and enables the '+' default for option --select. This option is the default server setting.
--write file Write filtered network packets as PCAP v2.4 to 'file' with local endian and microseconds format.
--xevent Support the XEVENT record type. It is an overlay over the ITEM and EVENT records. --xeve is a shortcut. The option is automatically set, if --type or --TYPE call the XEVENT record.
--xhelp Stop parsing the command line and print a help message with all commands included. Exit after printing.